Thursday, January 12, 2012

Does Obama deserve credit for the recent surge in the used car market?

seems used cars are more desirable now and value on certain models have gone up considerable. does obama deserve credit for helping the used car market?Does Obama deserve credit for the recent surge in the used car market?
YES. The unemployed and under-employed cannot afford new cars. Obama has spent all we had and BORROWING AND SPENDING OVER 120 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH MORE, but he still doesn't understand that the economy doesn't work that way. You can't borrow your way out of debt. It just gets worse! Guess they don't teach much economics in those fancy Ivy League schools?Does Obama deserve credit for the recent surge in the used car market?
He and Congress do because of all the perfectly good used cars taken off the market. When you reduce supply, prices go up. In that case, those who could afford new cars, got a great deal, at taxpayer expense. Meanwhile, the poor who depend on used cars, suffered because of itDoes Obama deserve credit for the recent surge in the used car market?
obama increased the value of used cars by crushing all the good ones at the taxpayers expense

so i guess so, but i prefered older cars (because new cars all look the same to me anymore)

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